Um primeiro olhar sobre a reforma trabalhista e seus impactos econômicos
A reforma trabalhista aprovada em 2017 ainda suscita dúvidas em relação a seus impactos sobre a sociedade brasileira. Os efeitos dessa mudança no marco institucional das relações trabalhistas do Brasil ainda são incipientes, e persiste certa insegurança jurídica quanto à aplicação efetiva da nova legislação. Algum tempo deverá passar para que diversos pontos sejam pacificados
From the First Republic to Getúlio Vargas and Michel Temer: history and memory of labor laws
The final years of the First Brazilian Republic witnessed the first efforts to regulate labor relations in Brazil. During the administrations of Epitácio Pessoa, Artur Bernardes and Washington Luís, laws on occupational work accidents (1919), retirement and pension funds (1923), vacations (1925) and child labor (1926) entered into force. These historical records will certainly surprise
External antecedents and implications of the labor reform for Brazil
Since the financial crisis of 2008, which had among its causes the advance of neoliberalism and one of its most devastating facets, the financial deregulation, many countries have been paradoxically enforcing liberal policies with the intention of overcoming the crisis. In this context, flexibilization of labor laws is seen, alongside fiscal austerity measures, as a